Here is a great video I found showing a Car Detailing Expert who details the most expensive cars.
Here you find 10 steps to take in making that mirror shine like the professionals create on such expensive cars. The detailing products used in the videos here can be exchanged with products you find on the shelves at home, but the results may vary. Try your own detailing products to see what works. Many people use Meguiars or Mothers detailing products.
Michael Kralj
Ontario car buyer guide and Car Body work websites are a click away!
Here you find 10 steps to take in making that mirror shine like the professionals create on such expensive cars. The detailing products used in the videos here can be exchanged with products you find on the shelves at home, but the results may vary. Try your own detailing products to see what works. Many people use Meguiars or Mothers detailing products.
Michael Kralj
Ontario car buyer guide and Car Body work websites are a click away!
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